At Eddy-Birchard Funeral Home, we understand that not everyone enjoys planning ahead for their funeral. However, pre-planning your funeral arrangements can bring you peace of mind, knowing that your final wishes will be respected. Additionally, it can help relieve some of the stress and burden that your loved ones might experience while grieving.
Our compassionate staff at Eddy-Birchard Funeral Home
is ready to support you in pre-planning your funeral. We can guide you in making decisions about your funeral service in advance, making it easier for your loved ones to navigate the process and cope with their loss.
The death of a loved one often brings about unwarranted stress and turmoil among families. One family member wants one thing, while another family member wants something different. By planning ahead, you help prevent those disagreements by letting your family know what your wishes are and how you want your funeral service to be carried out and your business handled.
Our staff guarantees we will carry out the arrangements you want, just as you directed. Once the plans have been arranged, you and your family can rest easy knowing at the time of death, those uncomfortable decisions have been made. In a time when a family should be able to easily grieve, preplanning allows for that to happen.
When you preplan your funeral arrangements, there are more options when it comes to funding the funeral. A preneed insurance policy, life insurance policy or other payment options can all be arranged before the time of death. At the time of death, services must be paid in full, so having options ahead of time can also reduce other stress related to losing someone.
Following the death of a loved one, there are more than 150 decisions that have to be made within the first day or two following the death. Those stressful decisions on top of the stress of grieving a loss can be eliminated by arranging your final wishes ahead of time. If those decisions are made, your loved ones aren’t left wondering what you would have wanted and how they should proceed with funeral plans. With those decisions out of the way, your loved one can begin the healing process sooner.